Monday, November 10, 2008

The content of your character (remember?)

What is yours (content of your character); in three words or less?!

We heard it referred to as Obama's presidential election speech was reviewed; MLK's words rang out. The reference was to the color of a person's skin; but I feel it is deeper than that.
WE are all now called to dig into our own character and enhance relationships in our homes, work, schools, communities. defines character as
1.the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing. such feature or trait; characteristic.
3.moral or ethical quality: a man of fine, honorable character.
4.qualities of honesty, courage or the like; integrity
and on...with 22 total examples.

The time has come to take inventory, because the world is watching/listening and needs you/me. We are now to fall back on our Character which according to Calvin Coolidge "is the only secure foundation of the state."

Here's a good time to be not only your own best "cheer" leader, but for those around you; for it is in the giving that we receive....and that promotes good character!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Is it in YOU?!

A year after our youngest daughter graduated, we attended a friend's ceremony. The speech given by the person voted in by the class was entitled;
Is It In YOU?

He was able to pull from his class, the most unlikely heroes. And the most likely. Which made the "Unlikely" even more proud to be included. Very YEAH YEAH Out Loud of him.

He told how each of the likely/unlikely person(s) had contributed to his high school experience, the difference they made in his and their classmate's lives, and what could become of it.

Now, 4 years later, I would be interested to know how that came out. Many will have gone down different paths (maybe even because of this "speech", something they never expected). And that night, I was sure to pull the "speaker" aside and give him a YYOL! I told him what a difference he had made in not only his life for acknowledging these individuals, but that he may have changed the course of those whom he included. He somehow doubted this.

Now that I have written this, I will send the link to someone who graduated with him. And ask, how it's going, and in his short years, if he's heard from any of the "recipients".

My message is to make sure EVERY day, you ask not only of yourself, "is it IN YOU?" but to convey to the most unsuspecting, that it IS IN THEM!

And that's a "YEAH YEAH"; being your own best 'cheer' leader and paying it forward, Out Loud!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


While attending a conference in LA, a presenter reminded the audience YOU are guilty of being a BULLY if you stand idle and do nothing.

Bullying happens to more than just "kids". Some "reality" shows have shown how the public does or doesn't step in regarding the elderly, the disabled, the homeless and your neighbor. Have a conscience about the world around you and do "something".

Paul Rusesabagina (Hotel Rwanda) spoke to a local YWCA group a few years ago, and when he was asked, how did you do it? His answer made perfect sense. He said: "I knew I would have to get up every morning and look at myself in the mirror. If I didn't do "something", I didn't feel I could face myself and know I hadn't been a "bully" by standing by and doing "nothing".

In support of the third annual Bullying Prevention Awareness Week, the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) is providing resources for families, educators, mental health professionals, and law enforcement on how to recognize, deal with, and prevent bullying.

YYOL feels bully prevention also begins with self-esteem. Knowing you "can" do "something" many times has to come from within.

Visit and see how you can become your own best "cheer" leader!.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

World Teacher Day October 5th

This week, all week, World Teachers’ Day is being celebrated. It was originally inaugurated in 1994 to commemorate the signing of the UNESCO/ILO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers on 5 October 1966. More than 100 countries currently celebrate World Teachers’ Day on 5 October.

In conjuction with World Teachers' Day 2008, YEAH YEAH Out Loud is joining with Self Esteem Tools in Schools Campaign to support teachers in building students' high self-esteem which is the foundation of personal growth and learning.

The intent of the SETS Campaign is to offer FREE support and products to teachers, parents, and to bring positive change to kids, classrooms and schools! This campaign is becoming a MOVEMENT! Join us, and share your free e-goods with teachers and parents, so our kids and classrooms can benefit from your generousity!

Plus; why not send your favorite teacher a YEAH YEAH E-Card to show your thanks and cheer them on at the same time.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sometimes you have to be your own best cheer leader.

In your personal life, and professional life, you often have to dig deep to keep up your own self-esteem and spirit.

Recently a person who committed fraud/forgery against me as a licensed appraiser was sent to prison. It's not really the "resolution" I wanted, but it seemed to be the only way to have a precedence set for a crime of this type.

The local paper (Columbian) featured an article on 8/30/08

"In typical identity theft cases, the thief goes after a bank account or a line of credit. In Kathy Carpenter's case, the thief was even more bold. A woman took Carpenter's professional identity as a real estate appraiser, using Carpenter's name and license number. She even appraised commercial and million-dollar properties that Carpenter, a residential appraiser, isn't licensed to do. Jean Faye Dodge, former manager of a La Center appraisal company, is now in prison. But Carpenter's troubles aren't over."

The problem was, I knew this person. I had contracted with her company for a few years after the major AVM she represented left town and she continued her appraisal network to funnel work to me and some other appraisers in the area.

The other problem, it was a "virtual" crime of sorts. No one physically took something, or came onto my property, yet the repercussions were farther reaching. There was no compromise of my software, or my computer. It was a simple copy, edit paste (and a bad job of it at that with a barely legible, fuzzy facsimile of my name). It was all too easy.

This has made it all the more difficult to validate my feelings of loss, and re-group to move on and keep going.

Since (or during) all of this, I have been developing YEAH YEAH Out Loud, a children's program. I began working on my initial idea back in 2004 but didn't get product and site up until December 2007.

......but having that as a distraction, fed me life that was getting sucked out on the "other side".

That's a YEAH YEAH Out Loud from me::to me!

...Empowering kids to discover their inner "cheer" leader.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Humans; when they succeed, we succeed

A theme in the Olympics, is that of being a "cheer" leader. We find ourselves encouraging some of the most unlikely heroes. Empowering others who may even question their self esteem?! Who seemingly came to the games with overwhelming confidence, only to stretch themselves and their abilities to reach their life long goal, yet still needing that inner voice at the most unlikely moment, as the dream is within (0r just out of) reach.

Whether it is the crowd, the event or the individual themselves that encourages them to achieve their ultimate goal or not, it is not the actual achievement of the goal, but being there at the Olympics that makes them a "winner". They have found within themselves the inner "cheer" leader, to have made it to the Olympics, much less "win" their event.

So here's a YEAH YEAH Out Loud to all of the athletes, and their support systems. Let's hope the inner "cheer" leader takes over at just the right time, to help them achieve their goals.

But remember, being a "winner" isn't always about coming in FIRST.

Congratulations Olympic participants!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Blog Talk Radio

Listen and learn more about YEAH YEAH Out Loud.

YYOL will be featured on Blog Talk Radio, Thursday 7/31 10AM PDT

Tonya Ramsey is the host and provides one-on-one coaching, group coaching and offers classes on the principle of prosperity through a strong healthy foundation of self.
She is a team leader for Digital Moms, providing training and support to team members as they work together to prosper by working from home. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology with a minor in Women's Studies.

If you are unable to log in at "air time" no worries! The show is archived on the site and will provide a link to listen at your convenience as well!
Thanks for being a "cheer" leader!

Monday, July 14, 2008

A YEAH YEAH Out Loud Moment

My adopted cousin's wife (mother of 6) recently found her mother's family.

Her loving birth mother sent Bernadette to another loving mother and father who could have no other children. Attending the best schools, well cultured, Bernadette eventually married into "our" family in MN after finishing college.

Mother of her own 6 children, now back in the Bahamas after her adoptive parent's death, she ventured out with her oldest daughter and granddaughter to another island. Knowing this was the "home" island of her birth mother, she said to me, "I pulled a Kathy" and stood up and said OUT LOUD; I'm looking for " " family. Someone in the restaurant said; "WHY" and with her plea to find her birth family, the respondent said; I'm your cousin.

And so it began. It turns out her "mother" had 5 children, including one "sister" who currently lives on the same island as Bernadette.

This weekend, her sister will take her to another island to meet the rest of the "family". So, I'm proud to be part of the family Bernadette found who gave her the "YEAH YEAH" to listen to her inner "cheer" leader to be brave to say Out Loud, she wanted to find her family. And so she did.

Love "your cousin"

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

YYOL to participate in "Self Esteem in Schools" Campaign

Anke Otto-Wolf and YYOL's Kathy Carpenter will join to bring campaign alive.

Senator Obama requested the Self-Esteem project information from Anke Otto-Wolf and said that “Our kids deserve a better chance at every level –from preschool and summer school, to high school and college. Last year, he introduced the Innovation Districts for School Improvement Act, which provides grants to school systems that draft detailed plans for broad reforms at the district level.”

Anke Otto-Wolf is the creator of Self-Esteem Tools for Teachers and the initiator of the Self-Esteem in Schools campaign to be launched mid August.

Bringing awareness of the need for self-esteem in shools is the project's main focus.

More information about this project will be posted on YYOL web site and Self Esteem Tools for Teachers.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

YYOL® text message acronym for positive self esteem

GTG, BRB, LOL; well here's a new text messaging acronym; AND it stands for empowering kids to discover their inner cheerleader! YEAH YEAH Out Loud©!
(if you want to know some more visit
It's the vision of YYOL® to be a key, recognizable symbol for positive self-esteem.
To help them reach their full potential by demonstrating that collectively and individually they are capable of doing more than they thought possible, leading to lifelong successes.

Develop fun and inspiring solid foundation programs that foster positive self esteem while fulfilling national and state educational requirements.

Provide and support a web site that communicates clear and effective strategies and techniques to achieve sharing of positive self esteem methods and applications.
This is all achieved through the story of Hur-Ray© and Kiddazy® who's faces are made up of the letters Y Y O L.

Visit and see how your community can become YYOL and find a new awareness of POSITIVE acronyms!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Nationality Face

When our oldest (Adele-26) was little, she taught me a lesson I'd keep forever!
Off she went to Kindergarten (after some pre-school experience) and happily returned home with the words "I have a new friend".
Their name would not give an indication of gender, and she would then say, "and they have a nationality face!"; which to her meant, this person (I still didn't know if they were boy or girl), looked "different" than her.
Her description came from her question the year before; "why does so-and-so look different than me?"; to which I would answer: their family is from a different part of the world. We would go to the atlas or globe and find that spot-in relation to where we lived at the time. I would also explain our ancestry and show her those countries. Now the answer would be, they are a different NATIONALITY.

So now, when I created YYOL, the characters of Hur-Ray© and Kiddazy® have no "nationality" or gender and are designed to be universal yet have their own "identity" as "cheer" leaders.

Adele is now living in northern California, and is a social worker. Guess I should have known that from her youthful "people loving" phrase, "nationality face"!

With all I've done in the past 49+ years; I still say: "Being a mom, is the BEST job I ever had!"

Thursday, June 5, 2008

(From June issue"Fishful Thinking"-A Beautiful Start to Summer)

YYOL recommends this site to parents and educators alike to find some more great tips on 'Empowering kids to discover their inner "cheer" leader! YEAH YEAH

As a parent and psychologist, I am concerned by how our kids are barraged by negative messages and ugly images of despair. Back when I was 10, if I saw the news I would see ugliness (crime, suffering, danger) that happened in my own community. Today, with the advent of the 24-hour news networks, our children can turn on the TV and see ugliness in every community around the world.

Fortunately, there is something we can do about it. Beauty is the antidote to ugliness. I'm not talking about supermodel beauty. I'm talking about the everyday beauty that surrounds us—dogwood trees in full bloom, lilies standing tall, the color of the sky as the last ribbon of the sun sets on the horizon or the red color of the bricks that make up the building across the street. June is a wonderful month to take notice of the beauty around you!

You can help your children stay positive and appreciate the goodness in the world by taking five minutes every day to go on a "Beauty Detour." Challenge your family to devote this time to simply stop, notice and name what is beautiful around you—no matter where you are. For example, if you are running errands, pull the car over and ask your children to name what they see that is beautiful—the colors of the cars as they race by, the way the light reflects on a puddle of water, the symmetry of the white lines in the parking lot.

By making it a practice to recognize what is beautiful as a family, you will be helping your children to see that they have the ability to pay attention to what makes their surroundings glorious, no matter how many messages they receive to the contrary!

Sincerely,Dr. Karen Reivich On behalf of the Goldfish® Team

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Be a Mentor

According to

1. a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.

2. an influential senior sponsor or supporter

3. to act as a mentor: She spent years mentoring to junior employees.

4. to act as a mentor to: The brash young executive did not wish to be mentored by anyone.

Synonyms 1. advisor, master, guide, preceptor.

Sounds like a lot of big words for being a "cheer" leader.

You've done it; you can do it again, and you will!

Because if you're even thinking about it, you've either been one, or been the recipient of the benefits of one.

SO; in the words of Nike: JUST DO IT

or Gatorade: Is it in you? (Again, if you have to ask, IT IS).

The word just makes it sound like you have to be "older/wiser" to be one.

I've seen it done by kindergartners (maybe it's because they've learned all they need by May of that year from "Cheryl"-the best K teacher I know-other than Ms. DeLauries=mine).

Try being YEAH YEAH Out Loud and "hear" the mentor in YOU!

My mentor has been

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Study says stay-at-home family CEO is worth $117,000

Just in case you ever said; "I'm JUST a Mom."

If Mom drew a paycheck


If a stay-at-home mom could be compensated in dollars rather than personal satisfaction and unconditional love, she'd rake in a nifty sum of nearly $117,000 a year.
That's according to a pre-Mother's Day study released Thursday by, a Waltham, Mass.-based firm that studies workplace compensation.
The eighth annual survey calculated a mom's market value by studying pay levels for 10 job titles with duties that a typical mom performs, ranging from housekeeper and day care center teacher to van driver, psychologist and chief executive officer.
This year, the annual salary for a stay-at-home mom would be $116,805, while a working mom who also juggles an outside job would get $68,405 for her motherly duties.

So now, that we've cleared that up; time to give yourself a YEAH YEAH Out Loud!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Reading is fun

Next week May 12-18 is READING FOR FUN!

Because Reading Is Fun Week is a time to discover how much fun reading can be; YYOL® is taking this great opportunity to do its’ part by "playing" in preschool, kindergarten and 1st grade in our local school districts!

School is almost over! YYOL® is moving forward with more exposure on the web, making local, regional, national and international connections.

Our goal is to have YEAH YEAH Out Loud in schools, churches, day cares and homes near you. You are one of our "cheer" leaders out there. Please share your honest opinions of your YYOL® experience (constructive truths). We need to know how to make this program better?!

We are finding more organizations would enjoy implementing YYOL® into their community, but are afraid of change and/or lack funding. If you have ideas about funding connections for those organizations, let us know, we'll do the research and leg work for you!

We will be posting some YouTube training videos in the next months, that can be used for your own, or your community's training.

Suggestions from you on what would specifically be helpful to you/yours can be directed to us here at

We have uploaded Spanish translation
The suggested script and vocabulary found in the back of the book can be found at:

YYOL® was interviewed on a live feed of internet radio on May 2nd.
Unfortunately, the program was not archived by the site, but the exposure and "practice" for future "spots" was invaluable.
If you have a connection that would like to know more about our program/interview us, have them contact Kathy directly at

We are always looking for good connections/links
Help us enhance our website as a resource for self-esteem
If you have a favorite, let us know!

YYOL® is on the web!
Visit our Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, CafeMom (links on the blog)
Please join our group(s) on any/all that you "play" regularly.

Your being a "cheer" leader is appreciated! Keep being OUT LOUD!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Six Pillars of Self Esteem

In the scheme of things, I subscribe to the mantra "put your money where your mouth is....."; others call it "moxie", or ? me as to whether I'm "scared" of anything; to which the answer is YES.

Just taking the first step is the hardest (and when your big sister was there pushing you to do just that....well all I can say is; "Careful what you wish for!).

Be honest • Don’t deceive, cheat or steal • Be reliable — do what you say you’ll do • Have the courage to do the right thing • Build a good reputation • Be loyal — stand by your family, friends and country

Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule • Be tolerant of differences • Use good manners, not bad language • Be considerate of the feelings of others • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone • Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements

Do what you are supposed to do • Persevere: keep on trying! • Always do your best • Use self-control • Be self-disciplined • Think before you act — consider the consequences • Be accountable for your choices

Play by the rules • Take turns and share • Be open-minded; listen to others • Don’t take advantage of others • Don’t blame others carelessly

Be kind • Be compassionate and show you care • Express gratitude • Forgive others • Help people in need

Do your share to make your school and community better • Cooperate • Get involved in community affairs • Stay informed; vote • Be a good neighbor • Obey laws and rules • Respect authority • Protect the environment

visit and see how you can become a "cheer" leader in your own right!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Now They See

Landmark Gene Therapy Provides Vision to Nearly Blind Young Adults
(this is particularly important to YYOL; visit )

Three young adults with virtually no vision can now read several lines on an eye chart and see better in dimly lit settings thanks to an innovative gene therapy aiming to reverse blindness in a severe form of retinitis pigmentosa known as Leber congenital amaurosis or LCA. One person was even able to better navigate an obstacle course several weeks after receiving the therapy.
The three individuals are participating in a Phase I clinical trial at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, which is funded in part by the Foundation Fighting Blindness.
"I am overwhelmed with delight. We are delivering vision to people who were blind. This is the biggest advancement in the 37-year history of the Foundation Fighting Blindness," says Gordon Gund, Co-Founder and Chairman of the Foundation Fighting Blindness. "We have achieved an incredible milestone in curing blindness, and this advancement will help pave the way for the development of gene therapies to treat and cure a variety of retinal diseases including: retinitis pigmentosa, Stargardt disease, Usher syndrome, and macular degeneration. This is a great day for the Foundation and all people affected by blinding retinal diseases."
The development of the approach began when a form of LCA was linked to the RPE65 gene in 1997. Three years later, researchers began giving vision to dogs born blind from LCA, including the world-famous Lancelot. More than 50 dogs have been treated and all continue to see well. The Foundation Fighting Blindness has been funding this research virtually every step of the way.
Though the Phase I studies are primarily focused on safety, the first dose used in this study resulted in improved vision. An additional six individuals will be enrolled in a continuation of this study to evaluate safety and efficacy of differing doses. The vision improvement in young adults seen so far at the lowest dose gives researchers optimism that the treatment may provide near-normal vision to children in Phase II studies.
Results of the clinical trials, funded in part by the Foundation, were published on April 28, 2008 in the New England Journal of Medicine. The journal published the results of gene therapy trials taking place at CHOP and Moorfields Eye Hospital in London. A third trial of the gene therapy, sponsored by the NEI, is also taking place at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Florida.
Jean Bennett, M.D., Ph.D., lead investigator of the CHOP trial, reports that the team studied three participants, who ranged in age from 19 to 26. All three had one eye treated.
Bennett says that all three individuals reported improved vision in dimly lit environments and in visual acuity in their injected eyes starting two weeks after treatment. Nystagmus - the roving eye movement associated with severe vision loss from LCA - was also reduced in all three individuals.
The treatment developed by this team of investigators involves delivery of a normal RPE65 gene to the retina to augment function of the defective RPE65 gene that leads to one form of LCA. Twelve different genes that lead to LCA have been identified.
The gene is delivered using a therapeutic virus known as an adeno-associated vector or AAV.
Researchers believe the vision improvement from a single injection will last for many years. In earlier laboratory studies, a single AAV-based gene therapy in more than 50 dogs born blind from LCA has been effective for more than seven years.
This study is being carried out by an international team led by The University of Pennsylvania, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, the Second University of Naples and the Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine (both in Italy), and several other American institutions.
If you are interested in supporting the Foundation Fighting Blindness in its mission to advance research initiatives such as this study and others to cure retinal diseases, click here.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Kindergarten Round Up

It's that time of year; registration for Kindergarten is in full bloom.

It's important for kids (and parents) not to fear this transition to school. While it may be exciting, there are things about it that could be difficult for everyone if you're not prepared.

A way to make it easier for all involved is to be informed!

There are Five Developmental Areas of the Early Learning and Development Benchmarks:
1) Physical Well-Being, Health, Motor Development
Children's pysical health and ability to engage in daily activities.
2) Social and Emotional Development
Children's emotional competence and ability to form positive relationships that
give meaning to children's experiences in the home, school, and community.
3) Approaches Toward Learning
Children's disposition, rather that skill, for becoming involved in learning and
acquiring knowledge.
4) Cognition and General Knowledge
Children's ability to understand and think about the physical and social worlds around them.
Includes: objects in the world, logic and math, social conventions (#s/colors) and understanding and appreciation of the arts.
5) Language, Literacy, and Communication
Children's understanding and use of language, emerging reading and writing skills, and the ability to communicate effectively.

Many school districts hold open houses and/or "classes" that both parents and children enrolling for the next school year can attend. This can help answer questions before they turn into problems once the school session begins.

YEAH YEAH Out Loud also believes, encouraging your child to know THEY are their own best "cheer" leader is a good tool to empower them with so when the going gets tough, they know they can count on not only their teachers, parents but themselves!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Big Give Portland Pays it forward; Program for children's self-esteem

ABC’s new hit show, Oprah’s Big Give, is challenging contestants to change the lives of complete strangers. The task is simple: Give Big or Go Home!
Now Oprah Winfrey has challenged Portland to give big!
She asked KATU and Family Matters “What would you do to change the lives of people in need!"
We accepted the challenge and created Oprah’s Big Give: Portland Pays It Forward to benefit Friends of the Children, a Portland youth mentoring program that reaches out to at-risk children.

This is how YYOL is "playing" with Friends of the Children!

Good Morning Kathy,

The YYOL program looks like it would be a very beneficial curriculum for our youth. I would appreciate the opportunity to share it with our Friends (mentors) and children. One of the most important elements of our program is that we help teach the skills of positive self-efficacy… meaning that through transmission of believing in our children, often when other adults do not, causes them over time to believe in themselves. The YYOL program seems like it would help us formalize this aspect of our program in a new way. Please let me know how you would like to proceed. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Joe Bergen
Program Director
Friends of the Children

You too can play! Visit....

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

NAEYC’s Week of the young Child; April 13-19

In honor of the national Week of the Young Child ;, being celebrated across the country, YEAH YEAH Out Loud, a children’s self esteem program for use in early learning environments (3-8 year olds) is “launching” its’ home grown (Vancouver, WA) efforts.
The core of this unique program compared to others is two fold:

1) YYOL™ sends the message early as a foundational building block that when the going gets tough, you are your own best “cheer” leader; vs. a fix it later remedy.

2) The YEAH YEAH Out Loud theme helps the child realize the “cheer” leader lies within. The picture book story of Hur-Ray© encouraging Kiddazy® to grow into a flower and get a YYOL face (just like Hur-Ray’s) confirms that it is only after Kiddazy® cheers on the other sprouts in a “pay it forward” fashion that the understanding that it is in the cheering on of others that Kiddazy’s® own self-esteem blooms, and YYOL is actualized.
All young children need and deserve high-quality early learning experiences that will prepare them for life, and YYOL is taking this great opportunity to do its’ part to help young children.
Some people have “Ah Ha” moments. Kathy Carpenter has YEAH YEAH Out Loud (YYOL) moments.

As the daughter of a hard-of-hearing and visually impaired father, Kathy had to be LOUD about everything. Her spirited, can-do attitude, nurtured as a child, blossomed with marriage and motherhood. “Being a mom is the best job I ever had” says Kathy (Vancouver resident for over 21 years).

The #1 fan for her two daughters, their friends and classmates, too, (Evergreen and Battle Ground school districts); Kathy became the quintessential “cheer” leader, understanding how vital unconditional support and encouragement are for children's healthy growth and development.

When the kids graduated and moved away to college, I thought my “Yeah Yeah” days were over. Being the “on-line Mom” I ended up fixing things from printers to friend issues; as well as just being available on the other end of a late night check in to say “Hey”. While they used common acronyms to chat, I found my own; YYOL! They could “hear” me!

Then a special invitation came. It was a call from our “son”, then a college freshman, who invited me to be at “Mom’s weekend”. Being the “cheer” leader I am, I felt bad thinking I didn’t have any school colors/spirit items for his college.

It was this experience that was the inspiration which led to the creation of Kiddazy® and Hur-Ray (a concept that evolved into a full blown self esteem program) who have become symbols to represent that there is always someone there to “cheer” kids on!

Kiddazy® and Hur-Ray are not limited to one school or group, but their faces say ”Yeah Yeah Out Loud” for those that need encouragement, regardless of nationality, ability or status.

Through Hur-Ray (the sun) and Kiddazy® (a flower) Kathy found the voice to spread YEAH YEAH everywhere.

Visit and see how your community can become YYOL and together help to give all young children a great start!

Friday, April 4, 2008

It's a great time for Pre K funding

States get their Pre-K programs funded in a variety of ways. General Revenues, School Funding Formulas, Lottery Revenues, Public-private Partnership, Gaming Revenues, Tobacco Tax and Tobacco Settlement Funds.

In a time of possible recession, it's good to see policymakers, educators and business community leaders accelerate the national momentum for state pre-k expansion.

A couple great reviews of the status for things in your state are at:

In light of states allocating funds in this specific area of education, YEAH YEAH Out Loud would like you to review our program!

YEAH YEAH Out Loud has created a program to help child care providers focus on self esteem enrichment for children 3-8 years old. The materials in this program promote children’s’ ability to appreciate themselves as remarkable pieces of work; nourish their minds and bodies; and earn respect of others!

Child care workers nurture and care for children who have not yet entered formal schooling and also work with older children in before- and after-school settings. You play an important role in a child’s development by caring for the child when parents are at work or away for other reasons. In addition to attending to children’s basic needs, child care workers organize activities that stimulate children’s physical, emotional, intellectual, and social growth. They help children explore individual interests, develop talents and independence, build self-esteem, and learn how to get along with others.

The story of Hur-Ray and Kiddazy® provides a full-color picture book and puppets that are a fun and innovative way to bring imaginations to life. Role-play group discussions build self-esteem and explore awareness with these adorable characters.
YYOL includes the three learning styles (visual, auditory and kinesthetic), since it is important to teach in each child’s dominant learning style, the variety YYOL offers can be effective in large or small group lessons.
Using toys as teaching tools can produce quicker and longer lasting results. Through interactive play, children develop important foundational skills to enhance and refine their natural inclination to imagine and use this special ability as a powerful vehicle for developing language, creativity and relaxation resulting in a positive self-concept. This gives them self-confidence, and successful images.

"Universally educators, researchers, and parents, agree that the first years of life are essential to future learning". (UNESCO)

-Early learning is the foundation for life-long learning
-Families are our children’s first teachers
-All children deserve a time and place to be children
-Diverse perspectives enrich children’s lives
-Play is learning

Early experiences have a decisive impact on the architecture of the brains, and on the nature and extent of adult capacities.

Early interactions don’t just create a context; they directly affect the way the brain is wired.
-From Rethinking the Brain; New insights into Early Development by Rima Shore
See how your organization can become "cheer" leaders with YYOL!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

YYOL Program - Child Development

YEAH YEAH Out Loud (YYOL) is a program for developing and increasing self esteem for children ages 3-8.
Ideal for educators of all sorts to use; including parents, teachers, ministers, youth leaders and mentors alike.
This educational program features on-line access to self esteem worksheets for children addressing a variety of curriculum topics (Math, Science, Reading, Language Arts and Interfaith programs). Using YYOL, educators will discover how to fulfill educational requirements AND cheer on the individual at the same time!
YYOL features Puppets and an educator’s Guide Book containing suggested scripts, discussion questions and vocabulary. Log In rights give educators access to educational guides and worksheets, in addition to incentive stickers featuring Kiddazy® and Hur-Ray all packaged in a re-usable tote bag! (Additional puppets, books and other incentive items available on-line).