Monday, October 27, 2008

Is it in YOU?!

A year after our youngest daughter graduated, we attended a friend's ceremony. The speech given by the person voted in by the class was entitled;
Is It In YOU?

He was able to pull from his class, the most unlikely heroes. And the most likely. Which made the "Unlikely" even more proud to be included. Very YEAH YEAH Out Loud of him.

He told how each of the likely/unlikely person(s) had contributed to his high school experience, the difference they made in his and their classmate's lives, and what could become of it.

Now, 4 years later, I would be interested to know how that came out. Many will have gone down different paths (maybe even because of this "speech", something they never expected). And that night, I was sure to pull the "speaker" aside and give him a YYOL! I told him what a difference he had made in not only his life for acknowledging these individuals, but that he may have changed the course of those whom he included. He somehow doubted this.

Now that I have written this, I will send the link to someone who graduated with him. And ask, how it's going, and in his short years, if he's heard from any of the "recipients".

My message is to make sure EVERY day, you ask not only of yourself, "is it IN YOU?" but to convey to the most unsuspecting, that it IS IN THEM!

And that's a "YEAH YEAH"; being your own best 'cheer' leader and paying it forward, Out Loud!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


While attending a conference in LA, a presenter reminded the audience YOU are guilty of being a BULLY if you stand idle and do nothing.

Bullying happens to more than just "kids". Some "reality" shows have shown how the public does or doesn't step in regarding the elderly, the disabled, the homeless and your neighbor. Have a conscience about the world around you and do "something".

Paul Rusesabagina (Hotel Rwanda) spoke to a local YWCA group a few years ago, and when he was asked, how did you do it? His answer made perfect sense. He said: "I knew I would have to get up every morning and look at myself in the mirror. If I didn't do "something", I didn't feel I could face myself and know I hadn't been a "bully" by standing by and doing "nothing".

In support of the third annual Bullying Prevention Awareness Week, the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) is providing resources for families, educators, mental health professionals, and law enforcement on how to recognize, deal with, and prevent bullying.

YYOL feels bully prevention also begins with self-esteem. Knowing you "can" do "something" many times has to come from within.

Visit and see how you can become your own best "cheer" leader!.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

World Teacher Day October 5th

This week, all week, World Teachers’ Day is being celebrated. It was originally inaugurated in 1994 to commemorate the signing of the UNESCO/ILO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers on 5 October 1966. More than 100 countries currently celebrate World Teachers’ Day on 5 October.

In conjuction with World Teachers' Day 2008, YEAH YEAH Out Loud is joining with Self Esteem Tools in Schools Campaign to support teachers in building students' high self-esteem which is the foundation of personal growth and learning.

The intent of the SETS Campaign is to offer FREE support and products to teachers, parents, and to bring positive change to kids, classrooms and schools! This campaign is becoming a MOVEMENT! Join us, and share your free e-goods with teachers and parents, so our kids and classrooms can benefit from your generousity!

Plus; why not send your favorite teacher a YEAH YEAH E-Card to show your thanks and cheer them on at the same time.